Tuesday, 28 October 2008


3 posts in 10 minutes, No i havent lost my mind, My name is just Gay Bilingham MWHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

seriously? who reads his blog apart from loyal plat fans who laugh.


Anonymous said...

double bollocks

Anonymous said...

i read it because my insults are so tame .

and its full of gay fuckers.

Anonymous said...

im also gay.

ok ty

Anonymous said...

to be fair its probably run its course you cunts.

GB said...

Lol mate your so boring its unreal

Anonymous said...

latonic_: before you say i went to uni as a mature student
Platonic_: started at 25
Platonic_: done a placement year
15ti1000: and wht did you do be4 tht
Dealer: Game #8194066044, 15ti1000 wins pot (£11.40)
Dealer: Game #8194066124, 2_y_y_2 wins pot (£4.75) with A Pair of Eights, Ace high
Platonic_: catering > salesman + drug dealer>college > uni > it consultancy> sh!t muself as i hated work> opted out
15ti1000: drug dealer?
Platonic_: yes yes yes
Dealer: Game #8194066204, 2_y_y_2 wins pot (£15.20)
Platonic_: everyone delt drugs n the 90's
Platonic_: dont say you didnt
15ti1000: i was 11 in the 90s

Anonymous said...

im immensely proud of my homosexuality

Anonymous said...

nice cv plat you gay fucker no wonder your unemployable.

you are only fit to lift platonics from the park and street for the council.

eat my platonic and die!

Anonymous said...

this is the best of the Classic Plat Series,my dancing in front of the band Half Man Half Biscuit
