Hi guys, whats up? I've just been crushing £50nl on crypto. This month I've made almost £21,000 (including rackeback). EASY GAME.
Now onto Razor666, I've been taking shots at £100nl and have stacked him a number of times (when he overplays KK). As a joke I put that video up on my blog. He didn't like it. I thought we were mates or at least MSN buddies until tonight when it all kicked off and he started calling me all the names under the sun. Take a look for yourself:
Platonic: hey lee, how u?
Lee (Razor666): fuckin shit
Lee: running like dog shit
Lee: and keep getting disconected when i have AA
Lee: crypto is fuckin joke
Lee: you not been disconnected constantly?
Platonic: no its been fine for me mate
Lee: ive written to them demanding my money back
Lee: what a fuckin joke of a shite
Platonic: you lost a lot of money?
Platonic: lol i stacked you a few times!
Lee: ye im stcuk 6000 the last 2 months
Lee: fuckin rigged software
Platonic: nah mate dont be silly
Lee: fk u
Lee: your a retarded 20nl player
Lee: i dont even wanna speak to u u spastic
Lee: who gave you my email anyway?
Lee: ive had enough of you
Lee: i hope you lose your bankroll and go back to pickin up dog shit
Platonic: i play £50nl infact
Lee: your so bad at poker
Lee: and your blog is a load of shite
Lee: who the fuck do you think you are?
Lee: fuckin twat
Platonic: i thought we were mates?
Lee: not any more, f u
3 years ago