Ok, i went along to a 5 aside football game. I play for this team now and again, sometimes i get invited when there short on players. So i start playin and some guy goin by the name of "jones" is being a right lazy cunt. So i tell him to get his act together before i slap him about. Then he give me this back chat. I really shouldnt say what happened next but I feel ive got to. So after the game this Jones cunt starts telling me i need to relax. WTF WTF WTF does he not realise this is a COMPETITIVE sport. a MANS game. So i loose it, I punch him in the jaw, then he falls over, I then kick him in the balls. THEN this is the BEST part, he started crying, tears actually rolled down his cheak. I mean what a fukin pussy.
Ive been totally crushing the 10p20p tbls lately. I won £230.45 so far since monday. And thats not including rake back. However. It has come to my attention an annoying scouse twat who is at alot of my tbls called ryan. Ive already explained to him tht i will take him on one on one at any stake any time. But whenever i offer him this he suddenly goes quiet and dissapears from my tables LOL. ANYTIME RYAN FOR THE 1000000000th TIME. ILL OWN YOU I LIKE I USED TO OWN SALTY ACE I OWNED HIM SO BAD HE LOST EVERYTHING NOW HES DISSAPEARED. OOPS.
3 years ago