Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Gruffnuts talking behind my back, "The Black Club" and profit for the year so far,

so have been informed that some group of CUNTS on some poker fourm web-site have been taking the piss out of me and my blog. Laughing at the stakes I play etc etc...

well I have one thing to say to you GRUFFNUTS :

I know this may be a strange concept from you but I'd rather make about £1000 a month at £20nl than lose £1000 at £500nl or £200nl in a few days. I mean wtf. I could live off rakeback alone at £20nl so SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL YOU FISH.

on another note...

I have been specially selected to join the "WILLIAM HILL BLACK CLUB". WTF WTF? I'm not even black??? They have gotta be taking the piss. Even if this club is for both blacks and normal people what the fuck is the name all about??? It's political correctness gone mad! What a fucking joke. If it was called "The White Club" there would be outrage and all the pakis and nigs would go off their tits and probs blow themselfs up at Will Hill HQ or summat.

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD. I can't even find a job (not that I need it with my poker winnings) in my own country because of all these fuckers. No wonder the BNP is on the up at the mo. The country is a fucking joke. The men and women of the British National Party are motivated by love and admiration of the outpouring of culture, art, literature and the pattern of living through the ages that has left its mark on our very landscape. We value the folkways and customs which have been passed down through countless generations. We enthuse with pride at the marvels of architecture and engineering that have been completed on these islands since the construction of the great megaliths 7,000 years ago.

So... onto my profits so far this year. (All at £20nl/£25nl and some £500nl HU cash thrown in)

January = £1388
Febuary = £1445
March = £1502
April = £45.23
May = £1520
June = £1666
July (so far) = £1810

YES. Thats right so far this month I have made £1810 and that not even including this weeks rake back! So wtf have you haters gotta say now?
Yeah that right... just what I thought... NOTHING.




Anonymous said...

Wow! Just when i thought you couldn't be anymore of a cunt.

Turns out that not only are you a complete and utter cunt, but you are a RACIST fucking scum bag cunt as well.

You make me sick and i will never ever read this pile of steaming shit of a blog ever again.

You fucking scumbag.

Hope you get impailed on some railing.


Fucking scum.

Anonymous said...

we dont want u reading this blog u paki loving cunt

Anonymous said...

what the fuck is rake back?

Anonymous said...

I'm gay

Anonymous said...

Platonic I completely agree with your comments. This country has been strangled by political correctness and fear of hurting the feelings of so called minority groups. It's outrageous.

Anonymous said...

You're a prick James.

Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

im an immigrant and only came to the UK for its generous benefits system,how dare u abuse it,its a system im very proud of,as it even pays me enough to play poker

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Platonic you legend all them fucks need to fuck off and make england great like it once was with the likes of shakespeare wordsworth and henry viii and shit, good times. P.S. keep killing the tables

Anonymous said...

the person who left the latest post forgot to post his name,it was Platonic_

Anonymous said...

"So... onto my profits so far this year. (All at £20nl/£25nl and some £500nl HU cash thrown in)"

Its already been proven that that £500nl hand you posted was sheer fabrication,as the Hand History was even readin the hand wrongly in many places,so thats just like your poker playin strategy i.e a loada bollocks

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong to fantasise about taking Victoria Coren from behind? Cradling her generous breasts while she pants and squeals on all-fours ...

Anonymous said...

ewww stop talking about sex with women man on man action is best urgh urgh grunt yeh!

Anonymous said...

Platonic_ I'd be interested to know what your entire roll is across all sites? And how much do you withdraw each month to cover living expenses? If these questions you feel are too private feel free to ignore them, thanks.

Anonymous said...

He lives in the caravan you can see on this blog,its free accomadation from the farmer so long as he cleans all his animals shit up daily.

And he makes around £3/hour

Anonymous said...

What a knob. I'm white and proud to be British but there are 6 million people on benefit in this country and you know what - most of them are lazy fat white cunts like the prick that lives next door to me with his 3 cars, sky plus, booze, fags, dogs ...

On a brighter note glad to see I'm not the only degen that wants to pork Vicky.