Hi Gruffnuts,
Ok so times are changing,the new year is almost upon us and Crypto is breakin up,its shame as ive earnt a huge salary here,but on the other hand,i am confident i can beat any game any level.
Now,apparently we wont get rakeback on ipoker,well thats fine with me,i can beat the game without it.My only worry is the weaker players might not be able to survive without it,so if the current regs like loser18,razor666,cutefish(poof) bail out,then its all less money for me.
I havent been playin much over the festive period,i been a bit depressed,met a girl on the net,been chattin mths,i sent her the £950 to come over for xmas from Nigeria,and i aint heard a fuckin thing from her since she arrived,she was supposed to be stayin with me til new year.I was in arrivals at airport as arranged and never saw her,she didnt ring/text or mail me,ive checked the flight manifesto and she was def on board..i guess the bitch found some other gruffnut..women eh?I FUCKIN HATE EM!Anyway,i brought home a few hookers last few days to soften the blow and im over her now..and the £950 is fuck all really, 3 days wages maybe at my current level.Im still turnin up at airport check in for her return flite tho,im gonna demand my money back on principal,no one makes a fool of Plat and gets away with it.
Im puttin the prices of my tuition up £5 by the way to £25/hr,im gettin a lot of students so hey,im obviously in demand,so u gonna have to pay for me,
Peace out to all my students,my friends at the tables,and fuck off the rest of you,
Sir Plat
3 years ago