Monday, 1 September 2008

Paintballs Coming Home

I think some of you gruffnuts should watch this video -

It's by a band named Half Man Half Biscuits and they have developed a cult following amounst all the £20NL regs on crypto. Every time I get a bad beat I listen to one of their songs and it always puts a smile on my face. Just giving something back, hope you all enjoy it.

Love you lots,

Platonic_ (a bit stoned)


Anonymous said...

your a wanker platonic who gives a fuck.

but was a pleasure being first to call you a sick cunt.

i saw you chat about that cunt that wears dresses and talks a lot of shite in london streets.

hes a gobshite like you

the famines over why dont you go home!!

Anonymous said...

Platonic_: Garry Glitter is a good man, his crimes were blowing out of proportion and its just a big propoganda against child abuse tht has been happening for centuries.

Im just posting to say your reacent comments about child abuse are obscene plat. your a sick pervered freak. why you idolize garry glitter i dont get, but why you feel the need to share your sympathy for him is something else. Keep your sick thoughts to yourself be4 it gets you in some serious bother

Anonymous said...

yeah take a hint lat ipadresses are linked to houses you are pushing your luck.

Anonymous said...

you really are a sad pathetic lonely bastard.